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2024-12-26 Digest

2024-12-27 by: Joel via chugalug
From: Joel via chugalug 

Hello David,

I've run Lineage OS for many years on my OnePlus 5, without microG, so I 
went without Google services. Mostly it meant that I could only do 
online banking via my laptop or mobile web.

However, since this past August, I've been running /e/ OS, from the 
https://doc.e.foundation/. The /e/ OS project was started by a French 
open-source developer (same guy who headed up Mandriva Linux, if I'm not 
mistaken) who wanted an open source Android phone without tracking that 
he would be comfortable giving his daughter to use. You can buy /e/ OS 
phones pre-installed or you can flash the ROM yourself.

The interesting thing about /e/ OS is that on their officially supported 
devices, they emmulate all of Google's Android APIs, so nearly all apps 
from the Google Play store work. Their app store allows you to toggle on 
or off the Google Play store, and it pulls in the apps in the F-Droid 
repository, and Progressive Web Apps (PWA). I use the PWA version of the 
Starbuck's app rather than installing their full app. I think that 
non-open source apps are run in security sandboxes by default.

Hope that helps.


On 12/26/24 01:30, chugalug wrote:
> 2024-12-26 chugalug Digest: 2 messages
> ====================================
> --------------
> From: David  via chugalug 
> Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2024 23:30:06 +0000 (UTC)
> Subject;[chugalug] Lineage/Graphine
> Hello all!
> So I'm debating on de'googling and have already transitioned a number of my
> services and workflows. But was wondering if any one here has or has any
> experience with the Android builds Lineage or Graphine? From my research
> I'm leaning towards LineageOS+microG which has just enough Google for most
> app and services to still operate as expected. But would be nice to talk to
> someone that has done/attempted similar.
> Thanks,
> David R.
> --------------
> From: allan  via chugalug 
> Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 02:10:07 +0000 (UTC)
> Subject;Re: [chugalug] Lineage/Graphine
> I'm doing Lineage on a 2013 Nexus 7 which may not be real relevant on
> such old hardware.  Google-wise I probably did something close to
> microG but this was years ago and I don't remember which guide I
> followed to get the thing googleized.
> But - that little tablet has made me happy for years - it makes a
> great e-book reader.  It's a little slow to do much else but I still
> use it.
> cheers -
> allan
> On Wed, Dec 25, 2024 at 5:30=E2=80=AFPM David via chugalug
>  wrote:
>> Hello all!
>> So I'm debating on de'googling and have already transitioned a number of =
> my services and workflows. But was wondering if any one here has or has any=
>   experience with the Android builds Lineage or Graphine? From my research I=
> 'm leaning towards LineageOS+microG which has just enough Google for most a=
> pp and services to still operate as expected. But would be nice to talk to =
> someone that has done/attempted similar.
>> Thanks,
>> David R.
> ===================================================================
> [chugalug] chugalug@chugalug.org Digested.
> This is Alpha Code: It worked for the dev. Once, maybe twice.
> Send email to mike@geeklabs.com if you need to rant.
> Your Fortune:
> BOFH excuse #249:
> Unfortunately we have run out of bits/bytes/whatever. Don't worry, the next supply will be coming next week.